Panelists share their final thoughts on staying updated with the latest advancements in the field.
Mark Socinski, MD: Things have changed so much. How do you keep up?
Martin Dietrich, MD, PhD:Well, it’s very difficult. I mean, I do think it is a full-time job. I’m very excited to see that in lung cancer, these perioperative regimens are really moving in all settings now into a multidisciplinary part. So I feel like it’s always very helpful when you’re not a solo practitioner having to face these challenges, but getting input from your colleagues, from multiple angles, and having this looked at. There’s really not a lung cancer anymore, other than maybe the smallest of tumors, that does not require this kind of multidisciplinary approach. We even use radiation, other ablative therapies in stage IV now in select patients. So [it helps having] a guardrail of support from colleagues, following the studies, following the different educational approaches. But it’s very interesting when you hear the different opinions, looking at the same data piece, there’s a lot of interpretation that needs doing. It’s very challenging. And I think lung cancer is a very good example of how complex each individual subset is. If you think about EGFR and the different exome and mutational differences, it’s no longer a specialty that…moves from there. I think there is going to be a need for subspecialists, at least in the second opinion…. Many of the different centers provide telemedicine. I think that’s one of the positives of the [COVID-19] pandemic. They’re able to provide expert opinions based on radiographs and molecular testing. Those are all tools that need to be included. But I think it’s most important to understand lung cancer has become so tremendously complex that it’s perfectly OK and perfectly needed to ask questions about the most optimal approach. The data are moving so fast. We’re going into World Lung [2023 World Conference on Lung Cancer] in a few weeks, going to see more practice-changing data, and it’s going to be a race for the best possible outcome.
Mark Socinski, MD:Well, as we’re getting toward the end of our time, I think that’s a great take-home message. I want to thank you. This has been wonderful. Thank you so much for the discussion. It was both informative and interesting. I hope our audience enjoyed the discussion. Thank you all for joining us today.
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