Evidence-Based Oncology
John D. Carpten, PhD, is the new director and chief scientific officer at City of Hope, the National Cancer Institute–designated comprehensive cancer center in Duarte, California. The renowned genomics expert started on June 30, 2023. Carpten, who held prior appointments at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, in April also was appointed to the Irell & Manella Cancer Center Director’s Distinguished Chair and to the Morgan & Helen Chu Director’s Chair of the Beckman Research Institute.1
Carpten is known internationally for his cross-disciplinary expertise, ranging from germline genetics for disease risk and predisposition to somatic cancer genomics, to health disparities research, cell biology, functional genomics, and precision medicine. A pioneer in understanding the role of biology in cancer disparities, Carpten has long been a leader working for greater health equity in cancer outcomes and in building a more diverse workforce in cancer research. In 2022, Carpten was named the chair of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Cancer Advisory Board, which helps guide the country’s research policy agenda.1
He has won numerous awards, both for his scholarship and his work to guide research and policy priorities in the US. Carpten has served as a member of the National Cancer Institute Board of Scientific Counselors. In 2019, he served as program committee chair for the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Scientific Conference, which included more than 21,500 international participants. In 2021, he was inducted into the AACR Fellows of the Academy, according to a City of Hope news release.1
“Dr Carpten’s expertise and unwavering commitment to drive and accelerate cancer research and discovery will benefit our patients across the country,” Robert Stone, City of Hope’s CEO and Helen and Morgan Chu Chief Executive Officer Distinguished Chair, said in the news release detailing Carpten’s appointment.1
A graduate of Lane College in Jackson, Tennessee, Carpten completed his PhD at The Ohio State University in Columbus and was a postdoctoral fellow at the National Human Genome Research Institute/NIH. He was a tenure track investigator at NIH when he was named professor and director of the Division of Integrated Cancer Genomics at the Translational Genomics Research Institute in Phoenix, Arizona—now part of City of Hope—where he later served as deputy director of basic sciences. From there, Carpten went to USC, where held several positions, including coleader for the Translational and Clinical Sciences Program and chair of the Department of Translational Genomics at the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center in Los Angeles.1
“Along with tremendous honor and humility, I am both thrilled and eager to work with the exceptional leadership, faculty, staff and trainees to build upon the significant success of the research enterprise at City of Hope,” Carpten said in the news release. “My goal is to create, execute, and advance a transformative vision for cancer research that aligns with national priorities to significantly reduce cancer mortality rates and improve outcomes for patients from all walks of life through the unique national patient reach of City of Hope. To have the opportunity to help lead this world-class, translational cancer research platform is a dream come true.”1
Craig to lead new translational sciences department. Joining Carpten is former USC colleague David W. Craig, PhD, who is now professor and founding chair for City of Hope’s new Department of Integrative Translational Sciences, which will be housed within the Beckman Research Institute. Craig also started on June 30.2
Craig will also serve as the institute’s deputy director and associate director of data science for the comprehensive cancer center. He was previously codirector of the Institute of Translational Genomics and vice chair of the Department of Translational Genomics at Keck School of Medicine of USC.2
1. City of Hope appoints John D. Carpten PhD, director of its comprehensive cancer center and Beckman Research Institute, and chief scientific officer. News release. City of Hope website. April 6, 2023. Accessed July 10, 2023.
2. City of Hope appoints David W. Craig, PhD, as founding chair of its new Department of Integrative Translational Sciences within its Beckman Research Institute. News release. City of Hope. June 28, 2023. Accessed July 10, 2023.