
The AJMC® Psoriasis compendium is a comprehensive resource for clinical news and expert insights for the chronic skin disease, which tends to go through cycles where it flares and goes into remission.

Latest News

Psoriasis | image credit: pimentos –
TYK2 Inhibitor Zasocitinib Shows High Efficacy, Safety in Moderate to Severe Psoriasis

August 28th 2024

A phase 2b clinical trial demonstrates the potential of zasocitinib in achieving biologic-level efficacy with minimal adverse effects.

Apremilast | luchschenF -
Apremilast Now Available in US for Pediatric Plaque Psoriasis

August 20th 2024

Guselkumab | Image credit: luchschenF -
Extended Guselkumab Dosing Every 16 Weeks Proven Effective for Psoriasis Maintenance

August 6th 2024

TikTok App on Smartphone | Image credit: nikkimeel -
Social Media and Psoriasis: Tackling Misinformation on TikTok

August 1st 2024

Blood sample collection | Image credit:  luchschenF -
Inflammatory Markers Predict Treatment Response to Biologics in Psoriasis

July 30th 2024

A Personalized Approach to Disease Management in Psoriasis

A panel of experts discuss their personalized approaches to treating patients with psoriasis and comorbidities such as metabolic syndrome.

Ryan Haumschild, PharmD, MS, MBA, Bhavesh Shah, PharmD, Mark Lebwohl, MD, and Robert Groves, MD.
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