
Mylissa Price, MPH, RPh


Evaluating Proactive Outreach for Prior Authorization Recertifications in Medicaid Patients

Implementing a proactive provider outreach program resulted in significantly more prior authorization recertifications and a reduction in time to submission.

Antonio J. Trujillo, PhD


The Price Paradox of Biosimilar-Like Long-Acting Insulin

Findings suggest that Basaglar was not less expensive for patients than Lantus. Empirical evaluation of biosimilar costs prior to automatic substitution is necessary.

Janet Childerhose, PhD


Integrating Primary Care and Public Health for Advance Care Planning

This article proposes a new model, Public-Primary ACP, that leverages coordination between primary care and public health workforces to improve delivery of advance care planning.

Delphine Tuot, MD


Implementing Team-Based Telemedicine Workflows in Safety-Net Primary Care

Telemedicine in safety-net primary care faces particular challenges. Consistent, team-based workflows can support video visit implementation and health care maintenance in telemedicine visits.

Karen Alexander, PhD, RN


Contingency Management: Promises, Gaps, and Philosophical Limitations

This editorial reviews the promises, gaps, and philosophical limitations of contingency management for pregnant people who use drugs.

Kristen D. Krause, PhD, MPH


Contributor: Reflections on World AIDS Day 2023—A Call to Increase Research Funding on HIV and Aging

Research on HIV and aging should be the focus of future research as World AIDS Day brings the chronic illness to the forefront.

Jozefine C. Verloop, MD


Identifying Complex Patients Using Adjusted Clinical Groups Risk Stratification Tool

In this study, the authors developed a method for use in primary care to identify a group of patients with complex care needs using Aggregated Diagnosis Groups.

Abigail Eaton, PhD


Opioid Safety Initiative Associated With Decreased Emergency Department Opioid Prescribing

A scalable health system–wide emergency physician education and feedback initiative was associated with decreased opioid prescribing, in excess of background temporal decline.

Jane M. Zhu, MD, MPP, MSHP


Variation in Network Adequacy Standards in Medicaid Managed Care

Medicaid managed care network adequacy standards exhibit significant heterogeneity across regions and specialties, potentially creating large variations in health care access and quality.

Charles T. Pu, MD


The Essential Role of Population Health During and Beyond COVID-19

The authors detail how population health management enables health systems to promote public health, strengthen health system resiliency, and support financial recovery during and beyond coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Ariel Caplan, BS


Post-SNF Outcomes and Cost Comparison: Medicare Advantage vs Traditional Medicare

Patients enrolled in Medicare Advantage had better outcomes and lower cost following skilled nursing facility (SNF) discharge than patients enrolled in traditional fee-for-service Medicare.

Gary E. Bisbee, PhD, MBA


Contributor: 3 Key Questions for the Biden Administration and the 117th Congress Coming Out of the COVID-19 Crisis

The incoming Biden administration will be challenged to address flex capacity, the supply chain, and real-time data as we transition from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) response to durable recovery.

Insiya B. Poonawalla, PhD, MS


Medication Adherence Star Ratings Measures, Health Care Resource Utilization, and Cost

For patients prescribed diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia medications, nonadherence to CMS Star Ratings quality measures of medication adherence was associated with increased health care resource utilization and costs.

Marian J. Gilmore, MS, CGC


Impact of Expanded Carrier Screening on Health Care Utilization

This study shows little evidence of harms or increased health care utilization for people receiving negative (normal) results of expanded carrier screening through genome sequencing.

Jie Liu, MD, MPH


Responsibility for Treating Tobacco Dependence in Health Clinics Serving Medicaid Enrollees

This article describes the implementation of Medicaid smoking cessation guidance in a large, urban federally qualified health center to examine how state-level provisions translated into clinic-level policies.

Joseph Simonetti, MD, MPH


Cost Savings Associated With Electronic Specialty Consultations

This retrospective cohort evaluation found that patients receiving electronic, compared with face-to-face, specialty consultation had significantly lower health care costs for at least 3 months.

Robert Toto, MD


Changing Practice Patterns in CKD

Closing out the discussion, an expert in chronic kidney disease (CKD) highlights how care for patients with CKD may change in the future based on data presented at AMCP.

Cliff Molife, PhD


Treatment Patterns for Patients With Advanced/Metastatic Cancers by Site of Care

Treatment patterns and overall survival were similar regardless of site of care between patients receiving anticancer therapy in the hospital outpatient vs physician office setting.

Jill Glassman, PhD, MSW


An Evaluation of a Care Coaching and Provider Referral Intervention for Behavioral Health Needs

Care coaching and behavioral health provider referral programs produce long-term savings, reductions in avoidable utilization, and increases in targeted services to treat behavioral health conditions.

Rebecca L. Attridge, PharmD, MSc, BCPS, BCCCP


Rituximab Reference vs Biosimilar Utilization for Oncology vs Nononcology Indications

Reporting on the real-world utilization of reference rituximab and its biosimilars can help show prescribing habits and reveal cost-saving opportunities.

Bhav Jain, BS


Value Realization: An Unattained Challenge for Integrated Practice Units

As value realization eludes integrated practice units (IPUs), the authors examine 6 key value drivers for IPU teams to competitively drive volumes and hone their multidisciplinary competencies.

Heidi S. Wirtz, PharmD, PhD


Health Care Resource Utilization, Quality Metrics, and Costs of Bladder Cancer Within the Oncology Care Model

Spending on novel therapies in high-risk bladder cancer had minimal impact on Oncology Care Model payments to practices, according to this cohort study and an average performance estimation.

Eliza Kruger, MHEcon


US Cost-effectiveness and Budget Impact of Point-of-Care NAAT for Streptococcus

This study evaluates the cost-effectiveness and budget impact to US payers of point-of-care nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT) for group A streptococcus.

Eugean Jiwanmall, MPH, MBA


Comprehensive Genomic Profiling in Community Oncology

Recommendations to address limitations in more widespread use of reflex testing in community oncology.

Curtis Gattis


Contributor: Health Care’s Data Problem and Why Better Referral Management Is the Solution

Data collection is not the principal roadblock behind issues with health care's massive data problem and how it hinders the referral process. In this contributor piece, Curtis Gattis, CEO and cofounder of LeadingReach, explores the issues inherent in the US medical system's current referral process and how to better it.

David Biko, MHA


Potential Inequities in Access to In-Person SHIP Counseling Services

The federal State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) provides counseling and education on Medicare coverage options. This article highlights potential inequities in in-person SHIP service access.

Carlos Mena-Hurtado, MD


Telehealth User Experiences During COVID-19: A Case Study of Outpatient Cardiovascular Clinics Affiliated With a Large Academic Practice

In cardiovascular clinics during COVID-19, notable barriers to successful telehealth use included obtaining diagnostic information needed to deliver high-quality care and technology-related challenges for patients.

Amy Hughes, PhD


Characteristics of Self-Triaged Emergency Department Visits by Adults With Cancer

Adults with cancer may have difficulty self-assessing the clinical severity of their acute care needs, yet they rarely use a telephone triage line available to them.

Hilary E. D. Placzek, PhD, MPH


An Evaluation of a Care Coaching and Provider Referral Intervention for Behavioral Health Needs

Care coaching and behavioral health provider referral programs produce long-term savings, reductions in avoidable utilization, and increases in targeted services to treat behavioral health conditions.

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