
Joshua Laban, MD


People Experiencing Homelessness in Miami: Insurance Enrollment Rates, Hypertension Trends

People experiencing homelessness face significant barriers to health care access, leading to higher rates of hypertension even among those with health insurance.

Mariétou H. Ouayogodé, PhD


Forgotten Patients: ACO Attribution Omits Those With Low Service Use and the Dying

This article compares clinical and utilization profiles of Medicare patients who are attributed to provider groups with those of patients unattributed to any provider group in accountable care organization models.

Farhood Farjah, MD, MPH


Factors Associated With Lung Cancer Risk Factor Documentation

This cross-sectional observational study found several factors associated with whether a patient had sufficient lung cancer risk factor documentation in the electronic health record.

Aaron M. Harris, MD, MPH


The Hepatitis B Care Cascade Using Administrative Claims Data, 2016

Analysis of a large, nationally representative claims database to longitudinally monitor enrollees with hepatitis B showed that 36% received recommended care and 18% were prescribed treatment.

David H. Au, MD, MS


Enhancing the e-Consult: Empowering Efficient and Collaborative Care

This editorial provides suggestions for improving the process of e-consults, which are a promising method of expanding access to specialty care.

Stanley Crittenden, MD


Identifying Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 With Excess Disease Burden

A high-risk cohort of beneficiaries with chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 3 have a profile similar to patients with CKD stages 4 and 5, indicating potential benefit of earlier nephrology intervention.

Jo Clark, MA, BSM, RN


Appropriate ED Utilization Leading to Better Care Coordination

Addressing avoidable emergency department (ED) utilization takes interventions in partnership with providers.

Ann E. Cornell, PsyD


Employer-Sponsored Behavioral Health Program Impacts on Care Utilization and Cost

Provision of enhanced access to behavioral health services by a large employer to its employees is associated with reductions in all-cause care utilization and cost.

Akshay J. Manek, MD


Development and Validation of the COVID-19 Hospitalized Patient Deterioration Index

The authors developed and validated an accurate, well-calibrated, easy-to-implement COVID-19 hospitalized patient deterioration index to identify patients at high or low risk of clinical deterioration.

Yulanka Castro-Dominguez, MD


Telehealth User Experiences During COVID-19: A Case Study of Outpatient Cardiovascular Clinics Affiliated With a Large Academic Practice

In cardiovascular clinics during COVID-19, notable barriers to successful telehealth use included obtaining diagnostic information needed to deliver high-quality care and technology-related challenges for patients.

Mark S. Ackerman, PhD


Barriers and Facilitators to Managing Social Care in the Digital Era Among Michigan Health Centers

There is widespread interest in understanding the role of health care in meeting social needs. This study examines community-wide activities, resources, and information technology used to manage social care.

Brittany L. Brown-Podgorski, PhD, MPH


Patient Need and Provider Referrals to Diabetes Self-management Education

This article demonstrates that few patient encounters with indicators of need for diabetes self-management education result in a provider referral to the service.

Regina Bristow, BS


Economics of a Health System’s Direct-to-Consumer Telemedicine for Its Employees

A direct-to-consumer telemedicine service resulted in lower per-episode unit costs for care within 7 days and only marginally increased the use of services overall.

Samuel Nordberg, PhD


Optimizing the Management of TRD

Drs Steven Levine, Patricia Ares-Romero, Samuel Nordberg, Martin Rosenzweig, and Carrie Jardine share insight on the future treatment landscape for TRD.

Caroline Seymour


ODAC Votes to Require Trial Assessment of Neoadjuvant vs Adjuvant Benefits in Resectable NSCLC

Should the FDA require that new trial design proposals for perioperative regimens for resectable non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) include adequate within trial assessment?

Pankhuri Sharma, MBA, LLB


Leveraging Predictive Analytics to Target Payer-Led Medication Adherence Interventions

This article explores how payers can enhance their medication adherence initiatives to reduce costs and improve member health outcomes by leveraging predictive analytics through machine learning.

Ryan McNally, BS


Mobile Health Clinic: Lessons Learned Building Partnerships Across Health Systems

Establishing mobile health clinics in rural settings requires collaboration across health systems by aligning missions, building infrastructure to support research, and demonstrating proof of concept.

Interview by Mary Caffrey


BeiGene’s Lanasa Highlights Tislelizumab Data, “Authentically Innovative” Pipeline

An interview with Mark Lanasa, MD, PhD, BeiGene senior vice president and chief medical officer for solid tumors, conducted at ASCO 2024.

Miguel Marino, PhD


Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions and Long-term Opioid Treatment

Little is known about opioid prescribing patterns in patients with chronic overlapping pain conditions. This study suggests target populations for interventions to manage chronic pain.

Craig Nelson, MA


Leveraging Longitudinal Clinical Laboratory Results to Improve Prenatal Care

Collaboration between a clinical laboratory and a managed care organization improved prenatal care and outcomes through real-time, actionable, laboratory-derived insights and care coordination.

Morgan A. Henderson, PhD


Cross-Validation of Insurer and Hospital Price Transparency Data

Real-world cross-validation of insurer and hospital price transparency data finds low overlap but high concordance between data sources.

Erica Chilson, PharmD


Hospital Discharge Diagnosis Position: Impact on Adult Pneumonia Burden Estimates

Disease burden estimates of pneumonia-associated hospitalizations are more sensitive when including pneumonia coded in any diagnosis field vs in only the first discharge diagnosis field.

Alvin W. Su, MD, PhD


Adolescent Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Decade of Rising Surgical Cost

Adolescent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery can preserve health and restore function of the knee joint, but the surgical cost has outpaced inflation.

Thomas Kingsley, MD


Telemetry: Appropriateness of Initial Assignment and Duration in Nonintensive Setting

The authors report overutilization of telemetry monitoring in a community setting, increasing the cost of health care and potential harm to patients with unnecessary interventions.

Nameera Temkar, MD


Patients With B-Cell Cancers Have History of Increased Antimicrobial Use

Danish patients who were diagnosed with certain lymphomas and other B-cell malignancies demonstrated increased antimicrobial use for at least a decade before their diagnosis.

Oren J. Mechanic, MD, MPH


TeleConnect: Digitally Connecting Physicians Across the Health Care System

TeleConnect introduces the concept of connecting primary care physicians and specialists by leveraging technology. Improving communication in a health care system betters patient care.

Paloma Mohn


Responsibility for Treating Tobacco Dependence in Health Clinics Serving Medicaid Enrollees

This article describes the implementation of Medicaid smoking cessation guidance in a large, urban federally qualified health center to examine how state-level provisions translated into clinic-level policies.

John P. Kansky, MSE, MBA


Assessment of Structured Data Elements for Social Risk Factors

An expert panel identified and assessed electronic health record and health information exchange structured data elements to support future development of social risk factor computable phenotyping.

Abigail Brooks, MA


Obesity Linked to Worse Patient-Reported Outcomes in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis and obesity exhibited worse scores for subjective measures like pain and fatigue compared with those without obesity.

Alexandra Polovneff, BS


Scaling Care Coordination Through Digital Engagement: Stepped-Wedge Trial Assessing Readmissions

This evaluation looks at a postdischarge digital engagement (PDDE) program using causal inference methods to examine the impact of PDDE on readmission.

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