Boosting Workplace Wellness Programs With Financial Incentives
Financial incentives created under the Affordable Care Act can help promote employer wellness programs and support preventive services utilization.
Patients' Views of a Behavioral Intervention Including Financial Incentives
Patients who enrolled in a trial to lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol spoke positively of the multifaceted intervention: pillbox monitoring and financial incentives were socially acceptable.
Synchronized Prescription Refills and Medication Adherence: A Retrospective Claims Analysis
A retrospective claims analysis showed that synchronized refill schedules were associated with better medication adherence among Medicare Advantage patients taking multiple maintenance medications.
New Strategies for Aligning Physicians With Health System Incentives
This article details strategies based on principles from psychology and economics that health systems may use to align with physicians.
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Negative Co-Payments: The CHORD Trial
This study extends value-based insurance design concepts in testing the impact on blood pressure control of rewards that provided negative co-payments for blood pressure medication.
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Co-Payment Elimination: The CHORD Trial
This study tests the impact on blood pressure control of a reward that lowered co-payments for blood pressure medication to $0.
ACA-Mandated Elimination of Cost Sharing for Preventive Screening Has Had Limited Early Impact
The ACA eliminated patient cost sharing for evidence-based preventive care, yet this policy has not resulted in substantial increases in colonoscopy and mammography utilization.