Understanding Insurance Coverage Policies for Incretin Mimetics for Weight Management
The high cost of incretin mimetics for weight management limits insurance coverage and potentiates variation in utilization management strategies to control near-term spending.
Cost-Effectiveness of a Multicancer Early Detection Test in the US
Multicancer early detection testing results in extended life-years and reduced cancer treatment costs through earlier diagnosis, leading to a cost-effective option in cancer screening.
Utilization of Low- and High-Value Health Care by Individuals With and Without Cognitive Impairment
Low-value service utilization is common among all older adults, and utilization of some high-value services decreases after the onset of cognitive decline.
Changes in Use of Low-Value Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Use of low-value care services during COVID-19 exhibits substantial heterogeneity but, on average, shows declines similar to the use of high-value services; low-value care use lags behind high-value care use in the rebound phase.
Shifting Away From Emergency Department and Office-Based Urgent Care: No Place Like Home?
As promising advances in providing care at home evolve, further research—with special attention to underserved populations—is needed to assess the clinical, equity, and economic impacts and to accelerate implementation where appropriate.
Tailoring Complex Care to Patients’ Needs: Myths, Realities, and Best Next Steps
The authors of this editorial highlight some of the myths surrounding complex care management, identify areas where research could be most informative, and recommend best next steps in developing effective and efficient complex care management programs.
Baffled by NAFLD: The Horse Might Be Out of the Barn but Should Not Take Us for a Ride
As awareness of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) rises, it is essential to develop and implement a rigorously determined approach to identify patients who will, or will not, benefit from diagnostic evaluation.
Enhance Care Continuity Post COVID-19
Although shortfalls in continuity were well described prior to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the pandemic has created an opportunity to augment this critical component of care delivery, with the potential to improve patient-centered outcomes and enhance spending efficiency.
Expand Predeductible Coverage Without Increasing Premiums or Deductibles
Innovative, cost-neutral plan designs that cover more essential services on a predeductible basis, while decreasing exposure to and spending on harmful care, would better meet the clinical and financial needs of millions of Americans.
Precision Medicines Need Precision Patient Assistance Programs
The competing strategies of patient assistance programs and co-pay accumulator adjustment programs create confusion and administrative burden for clinicians and patients, potentially reducing adherence to clinically indicated services and worsening patient outcomes.