In this podcast, we speak with 2 experts to discuss results from Performance Period 2, and get insight into the successes, challenges, and lessons learned under the Oncology Care Model (OCM), thus far.
Practices participating in the Oncology Care Model now have results back from 2 performance periods and are enrolling in performance period 6. With more than 2 years of experience under the model, some practices have found success while others struggle to improve. And with considerable lag time between the end of a performance period and the release of the full report, practices find themselves struggling to quickly pinpoint areas of improvement.
In this podcast, we speak with 2 experts to discuss results from Performance Period 2, and get insight into the successes, challenges, and lessons learned under the OCM, thus far.
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Read more about OCM performance:
OCM Performance Period One Initial Reconciliation
Cautious Optimism: OCM Participants Seem to Have Improved in Performance Period 2
Feedback on the Direction, Challenges of the OCM
Implications of OCM Reports and the Future of the Program
Delay in Performance Period Results Challenges Practices Participating in OCM
Navigating Sport-Related Neurospine Injuries, Surgery, and Managed Care