An aging population and an economy that has been slow to rebound are straining the long-term finances of Social Security and Medicare, the government’s two largest benefit programs.
Those problems are getting new attention Monday as the trustees who oversee the massive programs release their annual financial reports.
Medicare is in worse shape than Social Security because of rising health care costs. But both programs are on a path to become insolvent in the coming decades, unless Congress acts, according to the trustees.
read the full story:
Source: The Washington Post
Social Security, Medicare Strained by Slow Economic Recovery, Aging Workforce
An aging population and an economy that has been slow to rebound are straining the long-term finances of Social Security and Medicare, the government’s two largest benefit programs.
Those problems are getting new attention Monday as the trustees who oversee the massive programs release their annual financial reports.
Medicare is in worse shape than Social Security because of rising health care costs. But both programs are on a path to become insolvent in the coming decades, unless Congress acts, according to the trustees.
read the full story:
Source: The Washington Post
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Flood Exposure Raises Health Care Use, Costs Among Medicare Beneficiaries
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The Evolving Annual Wellness Visit
Social Needs Guidance for Medicaid Taken Down by CMS
Eliminating Enhanced PTCs Would Have Cascading Economic Impacts, Report Estimates