
Podcast: This Week in Managed Care—DOJ Sides With Ruling Striking Down ACA and Other Health News

Every week, The American Journal of Managed Care® recaps the top managed care news of the week, and you can now listen to it on our podcast, Managed Care Cast.

Every week, The American Journal of Managed Care® (AJMC®) recaps the top managed care news of the week, and you can now listen to it on our podcast, Managed Care Cast.

This week, the top managed care news included the Department of Justice siding with a federal judge in striking down the Affordable Care Act; FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD, calling for stricter oversight of electronic health records; and a study finding that healthy eating in Medicare and Medicaid is cost effective.

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DOJ Reverses Course, Sides With Judge Striking Down ACA

House Democrats Unveil Bill Aimed at Shoring Up ACA Patient Protections, Affordability

What We're Reading: EHR Oversight; Medicaid Expansion and CRC; Arkansas Work Requirements

In Scott Gottlieb's Final Weeks as FDA Commissioner, Tying Up Loose Ends

Incentivizing Healthy Eating in Medicare, Medicaid Is Cost Effective, Study Finds

PD-L1 Testing "Name of the Game" in First-Line Treatment of NSCLC

National Comprehensive Cancer Network Annual Conference 2019

Keeping an Eye on Increasing Competition in the Specialty Drug Pipeline

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy 2019

Read more about the stories in this podcast:

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