Coverage of our peer-reviewed research and news reporting in the healthcare and mainstream press.
Putting a spotlight on addressing food insecurity as a tool for improving health, Kaiser Health News cited a study published in The American Journal of Managed Care® (AJMC®). The study, “Simply Delivered Meals: A Tale of Collaboration,” found that offering a meal delivery service to patients in a community-based care transition program was associated with cost savings and a 38% lower 30-day hospital readmission rate.
An article in Healthcare Finance News, also focused on the importance of social determinants of health, highlighted an article from AJMC®. The article, “Social Determinants of Health Are Important, but Who Is Responsible for Addressing Them?” covered a report that found that while a majority of physicians generally believe that social determinants of health, such as food and housing instability, matter for their patients, they do not believe that it is their responsibility to address them and do not feel well positioned to do so.
The National Pharmaceutical Council included an AJMC® contributor article, “Value-Based Insurance Design Highlighted at Two Congressional Hearings,” in its Monday CER Daily Newsfeed. The article, from the Center for Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID), reported that hearings held by the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Joint Economic Committee both highlighted the benefits of VBID in health savings account—eligible high-deductible health plans.
Navigating Sport-Related Neurospine Injuries, Surgery, and Managed Care