
AJMC® in the Press, August 31, 2018


Coverage of our peer-reviewed research and news reporting in the healthcare and mainstream press.

An article in Health IT Analytics centered around a study published in this month’s issue of The American Journal of Managed Care® (AJMC®). The study, “Choosing Wisely Clinical Decision Support Adherence and Associated Inpatient Outcomes,” which examined the association between adherence to Choosing Wisely recommendations embedded into clinical decision support alerts and 4 measures of resource and quality, concluded that outcomes improved when physicians followed the computerized results.

Another study in this month’s issue of AJMC®, “Impact of After-Hours Telemedicine on Hospitalizations in a Skilled Nursing Facility,” was included in articles from Clinical Innovation+Technology and mHealth Intelligence. The study found that use of a dedicated virtual after-hours physician coverage service in a skilled nursing facility demonstrated a significant reduction in avoidable hospitalizations.

Community Oncology Alliance put out a press release promoting its recent contributor article for AJMC®. The article, "The Financial Impact of the Sequester Cut to Medicare Part B Drug reimbursement in Community Oncology," reported that community oncology practices have lost $78 million as a result of the ongoing Medicare sequester cut to reimbursement for Part B drugs, which has driven an increase in the number of closings and rate of closure of community oncology practices in the country.

Patient Engagement HIT’s article on price transparency tools highlighted a study published by AJMC®. The study, “Patients’ Views on Price Shopping and Price Transparency,” interviewed patients with access to a price transparency website and found a disconnect between respondents’ enthusiasm for price shopping and their reported use of the price transparency tool to shop for care.

OBR Oncology’s Thursday daily newsfeed included an article from AJMC®s The Center for Biosimilars®. The article, “Pfizer Calls for FDA Guidance on False or Misleading Information About Biosimilars,” covered Pfizer’s citizen petition to the FDA in which the biosimilar developer asks the agency to issue guidance clarifying how drug sponsors may communicate about biosimilars.

An article from The Heartland Institute mentioned the AJMC® published study, “Personalized Preventive Care Leads to Significant Reductions in Hospital Utilization.” The study assessed the impact of the MDVIP personalized preventive care model on hospital utilization and found that MDVIP members’ rates were substantially lower than nonmembers’.

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