On this episode of Managed Care Cast, we bring you an excerpt of an interview with an expert in Huntington disease, who discusses the reaction after 2 highly anticipated clinical trials ended this year.
Huntington disease is an incurable, progressive neurodegenerative condition that is ultimately fatal, and the field of research into this rare disease saw a setback a few months ago with the end of 2 clinical trials for a type of possible therapy from Roche and Wave Life Sciences.
On this episode of Managed Care Cast, we bring you an excerpt of an interview, originally conducted by Matt Hoffman, managing editor of NeurologyLive, with Daniel Claassen, MD, MS, director, Huntington’s Disease Clinic, and division chief, of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Claassen reviews the trial terminations and what that means for patients with this disease, but he also reviews some other candidates in the pharmaceutical pipeline, as well as the need for patient-reported outcomes and the possibility of wearable sensors.
Watch the full interview on Medical World News.
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