In an e-mailed statement, AMA President Dr. Peter Carmel said that in the month since the 5010 standards were implemented, "physicians are experiencing very alarming problems that have resulted in significant interruptions in claims processing and cash flow." He added: "It's clear that the problems will not be solved overnight."
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Source: Modern Healthcare
Last week, citing feedback from its members, the MGMA-ACMPE, formerly the Medical Group Management Association, called for a second 90-day delay of the start date for enforcing a federal requirement that covered entities abandon the Version 4010 standards and switch to 5010 by Jan. 1, 2012.
The American Medical Association (AMA) is pulling up just short of an outright call for a second extension to an enforcement deadline for adoption of ASC X12 Version 5010 standards for transmission of electronic claims and other administrative transactions.
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