A review of our peer-reviewed research in the healthcare and mainstream press.
MIT News cited an August study from The American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC) in an article about data-driven diabetes management. The AJMC study, “Association Among Change in Medical Costs, Level of Comorbidity, and Change in Adherence Behavior,” examined the costs of medication nonadherence for patients with diabetes and other conditions. A formerly nonadherent patient becoming adherent is associated with significant savings, which is why the MIT article is enthusiastic about a smart insulin-pen cap that sends usage data to an app.
An article about pain relievers in The Washington Post mentioned a 2013 AJMC study, “Quantifying the Impact of NSAID-Associated Adverse Events.” The Post article cited the study’s finding that half of seniors 65 years or older take at least 7 doses of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) per week.