Recent coverage of our peer-reviewed research, in the healthcare and mainstream press.
Several outlets covered a study by The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, which appears in the May issue of The American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC). As Emily Rappleye reported in Becker’s Hospital Review, researchers gauging physician awareness of the Choosing Wisely campaign found that while 92% felt a responsibility to control medical costs, only 37% felt they understood how much tests and procedures should cost. For the full study, led by Carrie H. Colla, PhD, click here.
A 2011 AJMC study led by William Boulding, PhD, which found that patient perception of care is an important predictor of 30-day readmission, was featured in the update, “The Patient Experience: Does This Really Matter?” in Health Leaders. Dan Smith, MD, FACEP, medical director of the Studer Group, discussed how providers who make patient experience a priority will stand out as transparency and accountability become more important. For the original AJMC study, click here.
Navigating Sport-Related Neurospine Injuries, Surgery, and Managed Care