Coverage of our peer-reviewed research and news reporting in the health care and mainstream press.
An article from Forbes referenced a study published in the November 2024 issue of The American Journal of Managed Care® (AJMC®). The study, “Persistence of Provider Directory Inaccuracies After the No Surprises Act,” found that provider directory inaccuracies lasted for longer than the expectation of 90 days that was mandated through federal regulation.
An article in the Marion County Record highlighted a news article published on, the website of AJMC. The article highlighted, “GoodRx, PBMs Hit by Price Fixing Lawsuits,” reported on class action lawsuits filed against both GoodRx and multiple pharmacy benefit managers due to the allegation that the companies conspired to fix prices to reduce reimbursements and increase fees for independent pharmacies.
Articles from Verify, TheStreet, and the Association of Health Care Journalists referenced an article published on The article, “Trump Reverses Some Biden Drug Pricing Initiatives, Potentially Impacting Medicare Costs,” explained the effect of President Donald Trump’s executive order reversing Biden-era policies on both drug costs and aspects of the Affordable Care Act.
A writeup on, titled “Unlocking Early Colorectal Cancer Detection With Artificial Intelligence,” was referenced in an article by Inside Precision Medicine. The article covered the results of a study presented at the ASCO Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium that found that an artificial intelligence model had 93.8% sensitivity and 19.7% specificity in detecting early colorectal cancer.
Navigating Sport-Related Neurospine Injuries, Surgery, and Managed Care