Coverage of our peer-reviewed research and news reporting in the health care and mainstream press.
An article posted by University of Pennsylvania Almanac cited a study published ahead of print in the June 2022 issue of The American Journal of Managed Care® (AJMC®). The study, “An Accelerated Hospital Observation Pathway to Reduce Length of Stay for Patients With COVID-19,” showed that in select patients hospitalized with COVID-19, an observation pathway that incorporated mobile health technology reduced hospital length of stay by more than 2 days in an academic urban hospital.
A piece by Kansas Reflector referenced an article published on, the website of AJMC®. The article, “US Ranks Worst in Maternal Care, Mortality Compared With 10 Other Developed Nations,” addressed study findings indicating the United States has the highest maternal mortality rate compared with 11 other developed countries and no guaranteed access to provider home visits or paid parental leave in the postpartum period.
The Uncertain Road Ahead for Health Care After DEI Rollbacks