A Population Health Approach to Improving Medication Adherence
September 25th 2014In this article, the author explores how accountable care organizations and other provider organizations can apply population health methods to physician populations to predict which physicians may unknowingly be promoting patient medication nonadherence based upon their patient communication and engagement skills. Training interventions for improving physician communications with patients are also discussed.
Update on the Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Consumers
September 25th 2014Five years after the implementation of the first provisions of the Affordable Care Act and 5 months after the close of the first open enrollment period for the Health Insurance Marketplaces, we are starting to be able to measure the impact of the law.
Developing an Incentives Playbook: Aligning Influences in the Era of Reform
September 24th 2014To optimize the impact of delivery system and payment reforms, healthcare system leaders may need to align organizational incentives with those facing frontline providers while also considering a wide range of factors that influence providers' choices.
Creating an ACO: Advice for Employers and Purchasers
September 24th 2014A growing number of employers are becoming interested in accountable care organizations (ACOs) to improve quality and affordability. This article describes the requirements employers should have for ACOs.
Taking ACOs From the Think Tank to the Real World
September 24th 2014The ACO and Emerging Healthcare Delivery Coalition, a project of The American Journal of Managed Care, hosts meetings via WebEx, an online tool that combines elements of the conference call and PowerPoint. The sessions offer opportunities to hear case studies and ask "on the ground" questions, as new reimbursement models take shape.
Alignment of Consumer and Provider Incentives: As Easy as Peanut Butter and Jelly
September 24th 2014The United States is in the throes of multiple experiments aimed to shift care delivery from a volume-based to a value-based system. This issue of AJAC examines a number of cutting-edge strategies.
Patient Experience and Physician/Staff Satisfaction in Transforming Medical Homes
Becoming a medical home appears to increase physician and staff job satisfaction, but it also risks decreasing patient satisfaction with access to care.
Transformation Through Collaboration: Horizon's Patient-Centered Program Is Delivering Results
September 23rd 2014Since 2011, Horizon Healthcare Services, Inc has collaborated with physicians and hospitals throughout New Jersey to transform healthcare delivery. This article details the early successes and key ingredients of Horizon's patient-centered programs.