The Community Oncology Alliance (COA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advocating for community oncology practices and, most importantly, the patients they serve. The mission of COA is to ensure that cancer patients receive quality, affordable, and accessible cancer care in their own communities. More than 1.5 million people in the United States are diagnosed with cancer each year and deaths from the disease have been steadily declining due to earlier detection, diagnosis, and treatment.
Lalan Wilfong, MD, executive vice president, Value Based Care & Quality Programs, Texas Oncology, and co-chair, Payment Reform, Community Oncology Alliance, discusses implications of quality metrics in cancer care and what perspectives on the topic he is looking forward to hearing at the 2021 Community Oncology Conference.
Dr Dinesh Kapur Addresses Cancer Care Disparities Ahead of the 2021 Community Oncology Conference
April 3rd 2021Dinesh Kapur, MD, chair, OneCouncil, and managing partner, Eastern Connecticut Hematology and Oncology (ECHO), speaks on efforts made by by community oncology practices to improve minority representation in oncology clinical trials and implications of the COVID-19 pandemic ahead of the 2021 Community Oncology Conference.
Kathy Oubre Previews Biosimilar Discussion at the 2021 Community Oncology Alliance
April 1st 2021Kathy Oubre, MS, chief operating officer, Pontchartrain Cancer Center, explores US adoption of biosimilars ahead of her panel discussion at the 2021 Community Oncology Conference, as well as what sessions she’s looking forward to attending.
Bo Gamble on Keynote Sessions, Potential Takeaways of Community Oncology Conference 2021
March 30th 2021Bo Gamble, Director of Strategic Practice Initiatives, Community Oncology Alliance, highlights his questions for the keynote speakers of the 2021 Community Oncology Conference, and takeaways he hopes audience members gain from the sessions.
Ted Okon Discusses How COA Members Responded to Challenges of COVID-19
March 28th 2021Ted Okon, MBA, executive director, Community Oncology Alliance (COA), speaks on the most significant challenges members encountered in the past year managing the COVID-19 pandemic ahead of the 2021 Community Oncology Conference.
Dr Jeff Patton on Notable Sessions, What to Expect at Community Oncology Conference 2021
March 26th 2021Jeff Patton, MD, CEO, OneOncology, chairman of the board, Tennessee Oncology, discusses what audience members should expect from the Community Oncology Conference 2021 and sessions he is looking forward to.
Dr Michael Diaz Outlines Important Lessons Learned From the OCM
April 15th 2020Networking with other practices, sharing ideas, and getting physicians involved in the process can aid community practices moving to alternative payment models (APMs), said Michael Diaz, MD, president of Community Oncology Alliance.
BOOK REVIEW: One Oncologist's Journey With a Patient to the Outcome We All Face
April 12th 2020Editor's Note: A book by Kashyap Patel, MD, reviewed in the April issue of Evidence-Based Oncology™, was previously titled, Dying Without Fear. Due to a change by the publisher, Penguin Random House India, the book is now titled Between Life and Death: From Despair to Hope. The book is available August 1, 2020 This review has been updated to reflect the change in the book's title.
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Home Infusion Services for Part B Drugs in the Spotlight Amid COVID-19 Regulatory Changes
April 10th 2020The Community Oncology Alliance (COA) said it is worried that the safety of patients with cancer will be compromised if home infusion regulatory changes, brought about by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, expand; other groups support the changes, which affect Medicare patients using Part B drugs.
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Dr Michael Diaz Explains Challenges to Capturing Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes
March 30th 2020Part of the reason COA recommended a 'ramp up' period is we need time for the vendors to understand what they need to be incorporating in their software, said Michael Diaz, MD, president of Community Oncology Alliance.
COA Submits Formal Comments to CMS Regarding Proposed Radiation Oncology Model
September 17th 2019The Community Oncology Alliance (COA) has submitted formal comments to CMS about the agency’s proposed Radiation Oncology Model. In the letter, COA noted that while they appreciate CMS' decision to issue a model that is focused on radiation oncology and to transition providers to value-based care, they also emphasized their opposition to mandatory demonstration projects and expressed concern that the proposed model will create unnecessary burdens and challenges to physicians.
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COA Applauds CMS' Decision on CAR T-Cell Therapy
August 9th 2019Following CMS’ decision to make chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy available to Medicare beneficiaries nationwide, including in the community oncology setting, the Community Oncology Alliance (COA) applauded the decision.
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COA Commends HHS, CMS on Proposed Physician and Hospital Payment Rules for 2020
July 30th 2019The Community Oncology Alliance (COA) is applauding the Trump administration for its Medicare payment rule updates for physicians and hospitals, saying that the updates demonstrate that HHS and CMS are serious about implementing major reforms to reduce physicians’ unnecessary paperwork and adding competition into the healthcare system.
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