Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma

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red blood cells model CLL | image credit: digitalpochi -
B-Cell Activating Factor Levels May Predict Reduced Risk of CLL, Study Finds

September 4th 2024

A recent study has found that higher serum levels of B-cell activating factor and anti-CCP3 are associated with a reduced risk of developing chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), suggesting potential biomarkers for assessing CLL risk.

Skin cancer is a dangerous morbidity risk in patients with CLL | image credit: Ocskay Mark -
Study Implicates AXL in Skin Cancer Development in CLL

August 26th 2024

CLL cells | image credit: Arif Biswas -
Novel Targeted Therapies Show Superiority in Relapsed/Refractory CLL

August 19th 2024

CLL | Image Credit:
New Model Offers Indicators of Ibrutinib Response in CLL

August 16th 2024

DNA helix inside blood drop | Image credit: Елена Бутусова -
NGS-Based Risk Stratification, Treatment Shows Cost-Effectiveness in CLL

August 12th 2024

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