A patient-centered medical home with intensive case management and a payer partner can significantly improve hospital utilization and may decrease total medical costs for a Medicare population.
Men in a VA rehabilitation unit who had osteoporosis were older and thinner, but otherwise similar (metabolic and functional status) to control subjects.
The authors assessed the effect of provider education and clinical decision support (CDS) on antibiotic prescribing for acute sinusitis. Education and CDS improved antibiotic stewardship and changed diagnosis patterns.
Expanding private-payer coverage of hepatitis C treatment may yield significant long-term cost savings for private payers, reduced costs to Medicare, and increased social value.
The authors propose a simple legal mechanism to combat chargemaster abuses and encourage provider price competition. This solution is superior to prevailing legislative and regulatory responses to surprise out-of-network bills.
Elderly patients prescribed drugs with a drug-laboratory black box warning (BBW) had lower rates of prescriber BBW compliance than patients prescribed drugs with a drug-disease warning.
In the control of COVID-19, the future perfect of the vaccine should not be the enemy of the present good, which is masking.
The Medicare STAR medication adherence measures exclude diabetes patients at high risk for poor cardiovascular outcomes, and underestimate the prevalence of medication nonadherence in diabetes.
The Samfund conducted a preliminary investigation into the impact of the Affordable Care Act on young adult cancer survivors’ medical cost burden and access to health care.
The offer of free medications to low-income Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes enrolled in Part D plans has no impact on generic prescribing rates.
Internists reported frequent use of, and support for, preconsultation exchange to improve access to and efficiency of specialty care.
Many postoperative readmissions are amenable to diversion to a hospital at home program for surgical patients, representing an opportunity to generate revenue and improve patient experience.
This study highlights the potential value of innovative ways of collecting information about adverse drug events directly from patients.
A descriptive analysis of specialty referral patterns in an academic, internal medicine patient-centered medical home (PCMH).
This qualitative study of patients and providers in primary care evaluated privacy and safety considerations in telemedicine following the COVID-19 pandemic.