The Relationship Between Preventive Dental Care and Overall Medical Expenditures
Using an instrumental variable approach, this study is the first to present causal estimates of the effect of preventive dental visits on overall medical expenditures.
Community social determinants of health such as rurality and low socioeconomic status moderate the association between an individual’s race and emergency care use.
This article describes perceived benefits, facilitators, and challenges of conducting interprofessional team case conferences in primary care settings to address patients’ complex social needs.
An Assessment of the CHIP/Medicaid Quality Measure for ADHD
Concerns regarding the quality measure for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder may limit its usefulness and its ability to promote improvement efforts.
Getting From Here to There: Health IT Needs for Population Health
Aligning health information technology with population health requires organizations to think differently about data needs, exchange partners, and how to leverage both for evidence-based action.
Characteristics of Low-Severity Emergency Department Use Among CHIP Enrollees
Barriers to less resource-intensive settings may contribute to use of the emergency department for low-severity conditions.