Have Racial Disparities in Home Dialysis Utilization Changed Over Time?
Medicare prospective payment for dialysis modestly increased availability and use of home-based dialysis treatment but did not affect historic racial disparities in home dialysis.
Massachusetts Health Reform and Veterans Affairs Health System Enrollment
Health reform increased Medicaid enrollment, but was not associated with Veterans Health Administration and private insurance enrollment among Massachusetts veterans.
Medication Adherence Changes Following Value-Based Insurance Design
Value-based insurance design copayment reductions sustained medication adherence 2 years into policy implementation and were most effective in patients with poor adherence before policy implementation.
Risk Adjustment for Medicare Beneficiaries With Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias
Incorporating functional status in diagnosis-based risk adjustment measures may modestly improve overall expenditure prediction for beneficiaries with substantial disabilities, but not prescription cost prediction.
Increasing Copayments and Adherence to Diabetes, Hypertension, and Hyperlipidemic Medications
A copayment increase from $2 to $7 adversely affected veterans' adherence to statins, antihypertensives, and oral hypoglycemic agents.