Julia Adler-Milstein is an associate professor at the School of Information at the University of Michigan with a joint appointment in the School of Public Health (Health Management and Policy). Her research focuses on policy and management issues related to the use of information technology in healthcare delivery. Her expertise is in health information exchange and she has conducted 5 national surveys of health information organizations.
How Patients Distinguish Between Clinical and Administrative Predictive Models in Health Care
Patients are less comfortable with predictive models used for health care administration compared with those used in clinical practice, signaling misalignment between patient comfort, policy, and practice.
Assessment of Structured Data Elements for Social Risk Factors
An expert panel identified and assessed electronic health record and health information exchange structured data elements to support future development of social risk factor computable phenotyping.
The 3 Key Themes in Health Information Technology
This year's special issue on Health Information Technology (HIT) features an impressive body of new research that reflects progress in the field along an array of dimensions-new timely questions, emerging sources of data, and novel methodologies applied to HIT.