Reports of the Demise of Chemotherapy Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
The expanding arsenal of targeted and immuno-oncology drugs has unalterably changed the landscape of systemic cancer treatment, but chemotherapy will remain critical for years if not decades to come.
Real-World Evidence and the Behavioral Economics of Physician Prescribing
The complex interplay of behavioral economics may result in reimbursement methodology alternatives to the prevailing fee-for-service payment system having less impact on prescribing behavior than has been conjectured.
Is There a Mathematical Resolution to the Cost-Versus-Value Debate?
Solutions proposed by patient advocates and physicians to control costs provide approaches to valuing new drug/treatments compared with 1 or several prevailing standards of care. Increasingly, however, the debate over cost is transitioning to a debate over value.
Physician Behavior Impact When Revenue Shifted From Drugs to Services
Shifting physician revenue from drug sales to cognitive services for mature pathways providers did not affect practice behavior in this payer-sponsored Oncology Medical Home.
Clinical Pathways for Oncology: More Rigor Needed When Evaluating Models
Dawn Holcombe's recent article in Journal of Oncology Practice/The American Journal of Managed Care joint issue, entitled Oncology Managed Programs for Payers and Physicians: Evaluating Current Models and Diagnosing Successful Strategies for Payers and Physicians is addressed.