A bill would allow the importation of insulin from Canada and other countries; a survey highlighted the prevalence of anxiety and depression among teens; and the World Health Organization has established a committee to set guidelines for gene editing.
A bill introduced by Representative Peter Welch, D-Vermont, would legalize the importation of insulin from Canada by pharmacists, patients, and wholesalers. According to The Hill, after 2 years, importation would expand to other countries with safety standards similar to the United States. The proposal would require the FDA to certify and inspect all imported insulin, and patients would still need a prescription to buy it.
A survey from Pew Research Center revealed that the most teens in the United States see anxiety and depression as a major problem. The prevalence of the 2 conditions are on the rise and 7 in 10 teens reported seeing them as a major problem among their peers. The survey also highlighted concerns with bullying, drug addiction, and alcohol use.
In wake of the controversial births of the world’s first gene-edited babies in China, the World Health Organization has created a new committee to set guidelines for scientists editing genes. The 18-member committee includes a Chinese bioethicist who next month will examine the “scientific, ethical, social, and legal challenges associated” with human gene editing, reported The Wall Street Journal.