Daniel Mullins, PhD, discusses what trends he expects to see in coming years regarding value in healthcare.
Daniel Mullins, PhD, chair, Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, School oh Pharmacy, University of Maryland, discusses what trends he expects to see in coming years regarding value in healthcare.
What are some trends you expect to see in coming years in regard to value in healthcare?
There are a couple of trends that I predict, some of which are perhaps futuristic and some of which really might happen in the next year. One trend that I hope we’ll see is that insurance companies will really include patients and the public in their coverage and decision-making bodies, like a pharmacy and therapeutics committee. Only when there’s a seat at the table for patients will we have the patient voice involved in coverage decisions. Another trend is the use of patient preferences in a really meaningful way that will really drive healthcare, and I think this is not just in real-world clinical settings, but I think what’s happening at the FDA now is really exciting and that too will drive the future of healthcare.