This week’s selection was one of our most-read articles of 2018.
Welcome to Paper of the Week, which looks back at some of the most important research and commentary of the past 25 years in The American Journal of Managed Care® and why they matter today.
This week’s selection was one of our most-read articles of 2018.
“Variation in Markups on Outpatient Oncology Services in the United States” found that high variation in markups for cancer care services was an impediment to quality care.
This kind of practice led to the rise of the Oncology Care Model and other alternative payment models in cancer care, which are explored each year at our annual conference, Patient-Centered Oncology Care.
For our paper of the week, visit
And visit our site for our new issue of Evidence-Based Oncology™ that recaps the 2019 PCOC meeting.
Managed Care Reflections: Insights From Richard J. Gilfillan, MD; and Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP