Patricia Salber, MD, MBA, of The Doctor Weighs in, speaks with Aledade co-founder, Farzad Mostashari, MD, about how his company is keeping physicians independent through value-based care.
The company Aledade was created 6 years ago to help physicians stay independent by implementing a value-based care business model. Overall, Aledade has helped practices save $377 million and improved care by reducing hospitalizations and skilled nursing facility utilizations.
In this episode of Managed Care Cast, Patricia Salber, MD, MBA, of The Doctor Weighs in, speaks with Aledade co-founder, Farzad Mostashari, MD, about what his company has accomplished and why these efforts are important for all stakeholders.
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Read more about Aledade, accountable care organizations (ACOs), and value-based care:
Mostashari, Gilfillan Highlight the Spillover Effect of ACOs Across the Entire Healthcare System
ACOs and Healthcare Transformation: Dr Patricia Salber Interviews Travis Broome
Weight Fluctuation Threatens Kidney Health in Type 1 Diabetes
Optimizing Episodic Migraine Care: ACP’s Latest Treatment Guidance