
Infographic: How Young Adult Cancer Survivors Are Hit Hard by Treatment Costs


In the August issue of Evidence-Based Oncology, The Samfund's Samantha Watson, MBA, and Michelle Landwehr, MPH, outline how young adult cancer survivors are disproportionately affected by treatment costs. This infographic breaks down the vicious cycle these patients get stuck in.

In the August issue of Evidence-Based Oncology, The Samfund's Samantha Watson, MBA, and Michelle Landwehr, MPH, outline how young adult cancer survivors are disproportionately affected by treatment costs. This infographic breaks down the vicious cycle these patients get stuck in.

These patients are faced with a negative average net worth, while their counterparts in the general population have a net worth of $68,000. Plus, young adult cancer survivors are less likely to be employed, which makes the financial costs they face as part of their treatment an even bigger burden.

Read the full study.

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