In this video, Gulshan Sharma, MD, MPH, Associate Professor, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, addresses the hospitalist movement, which has resulted in shorter hospital stays and lower costs of care.
In this video, Gulshan Sharma, MD, MPH, Associate Professor, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, addresses the hospitalist movement, which has resulted in shorter hospital stays and lower costs of care. Regarding hospitalist physicians Dr Sharma says that, "they have done a tremendous job of improving the efficiency and quality of care in the United States." Hospitalist leadership has incorporated many new initiatives to improve care transition processes. Dr Sharma says that the BOOST system is one of the most important processes to that aim to reduce readmissions.
This video was taken on May 19, 2013, at the ATS 2013 International Conference in Philadelphia, PA.