
Dr Clarence Moore: Luspatercept Is a Positive Step Forward in Beta Thalassemia

Clarence Moore, PharmD, BCPS, BCOP, assistant professor at Shenandoah University in Ashburn, Virginia, discusses a new treatment option for beta thalassemia.


What are the unmet needs for patients with beta thalassemia? What more needs to be done in terms of therapy options?

I think we are moving in the right direction. Luspatercept [Reblozyl] was FDA approved within the past year or so. So, I think we're moving right in the right direction. I know, historically, there hadn't been any real movement in the disease state itself. Having some form of medication to decrease blood transfusions in that patient population, I think, is huge. I think we're heading in the right direction. I know we'd always like to have more medications, but I think with the movements we're seeing right now, we're doing well.

In November 2019, the FDA approved Reblozyl as a treatment option for anemia in transfusion dependent patients. What are the benefits of having this additional therapy available?

So, having that additional therapy I think is great because to be able to actually decrease the amount of infusions that those patients potentially [need]. And that decreased amount required infusions changes the landscape of essentially what we've historically done in the beta thalassemia disease setting.

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