
Author Quick Links

Authorship/Disclosure Forms: All manuscript authors must complete these 2 forms in order to be considered for acceptance and eventual publication.

Manuscript Central - All manuscripts and corresponding materials/documents must be submitted through our web-based manuscript submission and peer-review system. Log on to and follow the step-by-step instructions.

Prior to Submission Checklist – Before submitting your manuscript, please review the checklist to make sure your submission is accurate and complete.

  • Include the complete mailing address, telephone, fax, and email information of the corresponding author.
  • Provide the name, degree(s), affiliations, and email address for each coauthor.
  • Clearly indicate source(s) of funding in the cover letter and on the title pages.
  • Prepare a précis (concise summary of the article; no more than 25 words) for use in the table of contents.
  • Include a structured abstract (<250 words).
  • Select 3 to 5 keywords.
  • Obtain permission to reproduce material from other sources.
  • Include an appropriate and timely list of references (formatted per AMA style), cited in numerical order as they appear in the text.
  • Authors should also include a statement in the body of the paper that indicates whether the study was approved by an institutional review board.
  • For all papers (when appropriate), a statement confirming that the informed consent of study subjects was obtained should be included in the manuscript.
  • Submit copies of “in press” and related publications.
  • Upload a completed Authorship Form signed by each author (please be sure that Section D has been completed).
  • Upload a completed Author Disclosure Form signed by each author.

By submitting your manuscript, you hereby guarantee that: 1) all sources used have been cited and listed in the references section; and 2) all necessary permissions have been obtained and credit properly given for content (ie, text and graphical items such as tables and figures) used in whole or part in the manuscript/eAppendix not considered to be original work.

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