
Podcast: This Week in Managed Care—Congressional Drug Price Hearings and Other Health News

Every week, The American Journal of Managed Care® recaps the top managed care news of the week, and you can now listen to it on our podcast, Managed Care Cast.

Every week, The American Journal of Managed Care® (AJMC®) recaps the top managed care news of the week, and you can now listen to it on our podcast, Managed Care Cast.

This week, the top managed care news included House and Senate hearings on the cost of prescription drugs; a study finding patients with diabetes can be safely switched to cheaper insulin; and the first non-chemotherapy combination being approved for the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

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Senate Committee Discusses the Burden of High Drug Prices and Potential Solutions

Medicare Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Safely Switched From Analog to Human Insulin, JAMA Study Finds

FDA Approves Ibrutinib Combination as Frontline Treatment for CLL

What Do Americans Think About Medicare for All? It Depends on What They Hear

Congress Doubles Down on High Drug Prices, but Is It More Talk Than Action?

The Drug Price Iceberg: More Than Meets the Eye

Read more about the stories in this podcast:

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