
CMS Details Medicare-Provider Penalties for 2015

Nearly 40% of healthcare providers treating Medicare patients will have their payments docked 1.5% this year because they didn't submit data on patients' health to the government, CMS said.

Nearly 40% of healthcare providers treating Medicare patients will have their payments docked 1.5% this year because they didn’t submit data on patients’ health to the government, CMS said.

More than 460,000 providers failed to comply with the Physician Quality Reporting System in 2013, of about 1.25 million eligible providers, according to the CMS report released last week. Some 70% of those that didn’t participate treat fewer than 100 Medicare patients a year, the agency said.

Meanwhile, nearly 642,000 providers did comply in 2013 and will earn a 0.5% boost in payments this year.

Read more at The Wall Street Journal:

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