
A Recap of AJMC's 2016 Election Coverage

Donald J. Trump was elected president of the United States on November 9, 2016, defeating the predicted favorite Hillary Clinton. Here is a recap of AJMC’s coverage of the 2 candidates and their healthcare positions in the months leading up to this historic election.

Donald J. Trump was elected president of the United States on November 9, 2016, defeating the predicted favorite Hillary Clinton. Here is a recap of The America Journal of Managed Care’s news coverage of the 2 candidates and their healthcare positions in the months leading up to this historic election. We start 6 months ago when Hillary Clinton wasn't yet the official nominee of the Democratic party and she began leaning further left on healthcare.

What We're Reading: Clinton Leans Further Left on Healthcare — 05/11/16

Hillary Clinton is leaning even further to the left when it comes to healthcare. The frontrunner for the Democratic party may have attacked rival Senator Bernie Sanders for his single-payer, government-run healthcare plan, but she is now floating a similar idea, reported The Wall Street Journal.

Estimated 13 Million Adults Could Be Eligible for Clinton's Expanded Medicare Proposal — 06/04/16

An analysis by Avalere Health of Hillary Clinton’s proposal to allow Americans age 50 and over to buy into Medicare estimates that 13 million adults who are uninsured or have individual coverage through the private market could be eligible for such a program. The Clinton campaign has not, however, released specific details about the “Medicare for More” proposal.

House GOP Health Plan Would End Individual Mandate, Focus on Tax Credits, Savings Accounts — 06/22/16

The House GOP plan offers a blend of old and new ideas—including some of the few specific healthcare concepts proposed by presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. The plan includes the businessman’s call to “get rid of the artificial lines” that preclude consumers from purchasing coverage licensed outside their home state. A much less-detailed healthcare policy document Trump issued earlier this year supported tax credits and health savings accounts.

What We're Reading: Greater Campaign Dollars for Lawmakers Who Opposed Part B Demo — 07/18/16

Two weeks before the Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton indicated that she supports a “public option” in health insurance. According to The Washington Post, the Clinton campaign released a statement that said she would support allowing people 55 and older to buy into Medicare. The statement also affirmed her support for increased funding for primary-care services at community-based centers in rural parts of the nation.

Clinton Has Edge on Healthcare, but It's Not a Top Issue — 07/18/16

If voters were picking a president based on their healthcare views, Democrat Hillary Clinton would have an advantage. But a new poll finds voters’ minds are on terrorism and gun policy, which are edging out jobs and the economy as top concerns as both candidates get ready for their conventions.

What We're Reading: Will Trump Weigh in on Healthcare? — 07/19/16

Will Donald J. Trump talk about healthcare this week? A professor at the Drexel University School of Public Health in Philadelphia writes the Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting has been highly specific about some healthcare issues but offers few details on others. Robert I. Field, PhD, JD, MPH, writes that Trump agrees with Democrat Hillary Clinton that all Americans should have healthcare, and he shares concerns about high drug prices. But Trump has been vague on what would replace the Affordable Care Act if it was repealed.

Dr Patricia Salber Talks 2016 Election and the Future of Medicaid — 07/28/16

The upcoming election is going to play a large role in the future of Obamacare, according to Patricia Salber, MD, MBA, of The Doctor Weighs In. “We have a wild card this year and that wild card is called Donald Trump,” said Salber. “But we know that there’s been sort of a difference between what Donald Trump says formally and what he may actually do, and then there’s the politics of what he can do.”

5 Key Differences Between the Candidates on Healthcare — 08/05/16

Healthcare hasn’t been a top issue in the 2016 presidential race, but that doesn’t mean the candidates don’t have ideas. Both nominees, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump, have position statements on how they would drive down the cost of prescription drugs, ensure access, and pay for health premiums. While the candidates agree somewhat on what the problems are, their approaches are vastly different.

Infographic: 5 Key Healthcare Differences Between Clinton and Trump — 08/08/16

This infographic breaks the difference between health policy proposals from Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Marilyn Tavenner on the Presidential Candidates' Healthcare Strategies — 08/10/16

Marilyn Tavenner, president and CEO of America’s Health Insurance Plans, believes that while the tone of this year’s presidential election race has been interesting, the discussion among the candidates regarding issues of healthcare and coverage have generally been the same as elections in years past.

What We're Reading: Hailing a Ride to the Hospital — 08/16/16

Democrats are looking to repeal a ban on federal funding of abortion that has been in place for 40 years. According to The New York Times, the amendment, which includes exceptions for rape, incest, or when the women’s life is endangered, has typically had bipartisan support in Congress—but that is changing. Even within the Democratic party there is dissension; Hillary Clinton’s own running mate, Tim Kaine, holds the stance that the amendment should not be repealed.

What We're Reading: Clinton Proposes Emergency Fund for Public Health Crises — 08/25/16

With the local transmission of the Zika virus spreading in Florida and no funds approved by Congress, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has proposed a new fund for government response to major public health crises. According to AP, the proposal is similar to bipartisan legislation that has been introduced that would release funds once a public health emergency is declared. Clinton’s Public Health Rapid Response Fund would help federal agencies and local hospital systems respond faster to health threats from potentially pandemic diseases, climate change, and possible bioterrorism.

How Increased Cost Sharing Triggered the EpiPen Crisis — 08/24/16

Controversy over cost of the EpiPen, the epinephrine injection that treats severe allergic reactions to foods or insect bites, isn’t fueled just by the string of price increases since Mylan bought the product in 2007. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton joined those speaking out against the price increases. Like others, she said more transparency is needed to explain why a drug that has been around for years has suddenly become so expensive.

What We're Reading: The Middle Class Faces Increasing Burden of Healthcare Costs — 08/28/16

Health has started to become a big topic for the 2016 presidential election as claims circulate about the personal health of the candidates. So how much of a right do voters have to know about the medical histories of presidential candidates? NPR discussed the topic with Rob Darling, MD, a former White House physician, who admitted that while voters have the right to know if there is an illness that could affect a person’s ability to lead, there are gray areas and not everything needs to be divulged.

On Healthcare, Clinton Has Edge Over Trump for Voters' Trust — 09/06/16

Trust may be Hillary Clinton’s Achilles heel in this presidential election, but when it comes to healthcare, she has an edge over Donald Trump with the voters, according to the most recent Kaiser Health Tracking Poll. It found that voters generally believe that Clinton would do a better job handling healthcare issues than Trump, although they also don’t believe either candidate has much chance of keeping the cost of healthcare in check.

Two Reports Raise Flags About Medicaid Block Grants, Per Capita Caps — 09/12/16

Reports issued last week—one from within the government, one from beyond—cast doubt on whether budgeting Medicaid in flat amounts would have the effect of giving states the flexibility supporters seeks. In fact, the reports suggest that such programs might do the opposite while creating disadvantages for the states whose leaders have advocated the concept. While the Urban Institute report doesn’t mention him by name, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s advocacy for block grants lurks in the background.

What We're Reading: Clinton Has Pneumonia, Raising New Speculation About Her Health — 09/12/16

During the memorial service marking the 15th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Hillary Clinton left the service when she fell ill. Later, her campaign confirmed that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia 2 days earlier, reported The Washington Post. A video of Clinton’s departure from the memorial service showed her stumbling into the van, which has renewed speculation regarding her health. The presidential candidate has canceled her planned trip to California on Monday and Tuesday.

What We're Reading: Trump Would Expand Insurance Coverage Through Medicaid — 09/16/16

In contradiction to what his party has proposed in the past, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said he would use Medicaid to expand insurance coverage for poor people. According to Bloomberg, Trump made these comments during a filming for The Dr. Oz Show, but a spokesman said the candidate is not proposing an expansion of Medicaid. Trump further said he wants birth control to be available without a prescription.

Analyses Find Stark Differences Between Effects of Clinton, Trump Healthcare Plans — 09/23/16

Up to 25 million Americans would lose health coverage under a Donald Trump presidency in 2018, while Hillary Clinton’s proposals would add up to 9.6 million to the rolls, according to analyses of the presidential nominees’ healthcare plans by the RAND Corporation. Democrat Clinton and Republican Trump have starkly different visions of how—or whether—to move forward with President Barack Obama’s signature law, the 2010 Affordable Care Act. Clinton wants to expand it, adding a public option to the marketplaces, while Trump wants to get rid of it completely.

Bill Clinton Calls ACA “Craziest Thing” During Speech in Michigan — 10/04/16

Former President Bill Clinton, campaigning last night for his wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in Flint, Michigan, called aspects of the Affordable Care Act the “craziest thing” during his stump speech. Asked Tuesday about Bill Clinton’s remarks, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said President Obama acknowledges that more can be done to strengthen the law and that Hillary Clinton is willing to do so.

Evidence Shows Trump's Comments on Veterans Could Perpetuate PTSD Stigma — 10/05/16

During a campaign event on Monday, Donald Trump said that veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder “can’t handle” what they’ve seen in combat. Criticism of his comments, as well as research, show his choice of words could perpetuate harmful stigmas about mental health, especially in the military.

Most Americans Support Price Controls for Prescription Drug Costs, Poll Finds — 10/09/16

A large majorities of Americans favor a wide range of policy changes to curb prescription drug costs, including those that give government a greater role in negotiating or limiting drug prices, according to the latest Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll. In deciding which candidate to vote for in the November 2016 presidential election, 44% of voters say the candidates’ personal characteristics will make the biggest difference in how they vote for president. More Clinton supporters than Trump supporters say a candidate’s plan to address a series of healthcare issues is “very important” to their vote.

ACA One of Many Points of Contention During Second Clinton-Trump Debate — 10/10/16

The second presidential debate occurred Sunday night at Washington University in St. Louis, allowing candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to spar over a multitude of issues, including the future of healthcare in America. Trump vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act and promote competition among insurance providers, but Clinton promised to fix the unpopular aspects of the ACA while keeping what currently works well.

Burwell Sees 9% Hike in ACA Enrollment for 2017 — 10/20/16

While everyone expects premiums to be higher, just how high won’t be known until days before voters go to the polls November 8, 2016, to elect the next president. The ACA has had some attention in the campaign, with Republican Donald Trump calling for the law to be repealed and Democrat Hillary Clinton saying it needs to be improved. But it has not been a focal point of the election, and it got limited attention at the very end of Wednesday night’s third and final presidential debate.

Troubles on the Exchanges Will Confront the Next President, Experts Say — 10/22/16

Despite the successes of the Affordable Care Act, including driving the uninsured rate to an all-time low, the flight of insurers from the Marketplace in many locations spells trouble. But the next president won’t have an easy time fixing this problem in early 2017, according to experts taking part in the Healthcare 2020 series, which concluded the fall meeting of the ACO & Emerging Healthcare Delivery Coalition, October 21, 2016, in Philadelphia.

Politics and Health Policy After the Presidential Election — 10/25/16

Working under the assumption that the outcome of the presidential race is pretty set, Avik S. A. Roy and John E. McDonough, DrPH, MPA, pondered the potential health policy changes during a Hillary Clinton presidency with a Republican-controlled Congress. Ultimately, all speculation about the future under a Democratic president came back to the same question: would Republicans agree to changes?

Penalties Too Low to Force Young Adults to Get Insured, Report Says — 10/26/16

Challenges outlined by healthcare experts back in 2010 are coming to pass, as young adults do not see the current penalties for going without coverage as enough incentive to become insured. Labor force participation rates for adults aged 25 to 44 are 80.9% and hold steady for those 45 to 54 at 79.6%, but then drop to 64.1% for those aged 55 to 64. Democrat Hillary Clinton has discussed allowing this age group to pay to enroll in Medicare, but that proposal would have to be approved by Congress.

What We're Reading: AAP Issues Sleep Safety Recommendations for Infants — 10/26/16

The announcement that Affordable Care Act premiums will rise an average of 22% in 2017 drew criticism from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump during a speech in which he seemingly contradicted himself regarding his employees’ health insurance. After proclaiming that “all of [his] employees are having a tremendous problem with Obamacare,” he later said that they “don’t even use Obamacare. We don’t want it.” Trump has repeatedly called to repeal the ACA and replace it with something “much less expensive.”

Public Wants Next President, Congress to Tackle Drug Prices — 10/28/16

Consumers want the next president and Congress to rein in prescription drug prices—and to make high-cost drugs available to those with chronic conditions, according to the most recent Kaiser Health Tracking Poll. A divided electorate will vote in less than 2 weeks for Democrat Hillary Clinton or Republican Donald Trump, and the future of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) depends on the outcome. Clinton seeks to make adjustments to the ACA to fix what’s not working, while Trump wants to scrap the law, although his path for replacing it is not clear.

5 Takeaways From the ACO Coalition Fall 2016 Live Meeting — 10/28/16

Eleanor Perfetto, PhD, and A. Mark Fendrick, MD, joined Michael E. Chernew, PhD, to discuss the future of healthcare, including the upcoming presidential election. They agreed that regardless of the outcome, the Affordable Care Act faces serious challenges, especially if the healthcare exchanges fail. Perfetto added that a collapse would affect not just those who lose coverage but every patient concerned about high out-of-pocket costs, deductibles, and copays.

What We're Reading: Political Focus on Healthcare Heats Up — 11/02/16

Republican candidate Donald Trump has shifted his focus to attacking President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act and its rising premiums. According to The Wall Street Journal, Trump is calling to repeal and replace the law as premiums have risen in battleground states. Hillary Clinton has an edge in the state of Pennsylvania, but the state has been hard hit by premium increases, which are up by an average of 50%. Meanwhile, drug companies have been supporting Republican candidates.

Time to Try New Approach to Health Insurance — 11/03/16

Regardless of which presidential candidate wins in the next week, changes will be coming to Obamacare. The profile of healthcare always rises this time of year as open enrollment beings on the federal exchange, but it’s increased even more during this heated election year. There’s no doubt that health insurance will be a hot button topic for the next president and the next Congress. You don’t need to be Democrat, a Republican, a Libertarian or a Green Party member to agree with that.

What We're Reading: Has the ACA's Struggles Renewed Interest in a Public Option? — 11/04/16

Both Democrats and Republicans agree that the Affordable Care Act is flawed; however, the 2 parties disagree how to move forward. According to The Wall Street Journal, Democratic legislators are increasingly looking at creating a government option in health insurance. This option differs from a single-payer system, where the government’s insurance covers everyone. Instead, a public option can be nationwide, state-based, or only limited to areas where there are few insurance options. Hillary Clinton is a longtime supporter of the public option, while Donald Trump has come out against it.

Dr Eleanor Perfetto: Healthcare on the Mind This Election Day — 11/08/16

During the presidential election, healthcare will be top of mind especially for patients with access issues or significant health issues, Eleanor Perfetto, PhD, senior vice president of strategic initiatives for the National Health Council. As long as patients feel the healthcare system is engaging them and listening to them, they don't care what it is called.

The Future of the ACA and US Healthcare Under President Donald Trump — 11/09/16

As the Republicans retained control of both the House and the Senate and Donald J. Trump was declared the next president of the United States, it became abundantly clear that President Barack Obama’s landmark healthcare reform legislation was in grave danger.

What We're Reading: Walgreens Sues Theranos for $140 Million — 11/09/16

Wall Street opened lower today following news of the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, being president-elect. The global market, too, reacted strongly to the news, with investors pulling out their money in Europe, Asia, as well as down under. Pharmaceutical stocks, however, saw a surge, with the anticipation of a more lenient stance by Trump. The Reuters news agency reports that shares of Pfizer rose 5.2% and Celgene rose 6.7%. European drug makers Roche and Sanofi also saw more than a 4% increase in their stock prices.

Coloradans Easily Defeat Single-Payer Healthcare System Proposal — 11/09/16

By a large margin, voters in Colorado defeated a proposal to replace the Affordable Care Act with a single-payer system in the state. Colorado wasn’t the only blow to healthcare reform. The election of Donald J. Trump as the next president of the United States almost guarantees that the ACA will be repealed in at least some way.

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