

Implementing Targeted Therapies Into mCRC Treatment Algorithm

Ben George, MD, and John L. Marshall, MD, analyze the use of targeted therapies as an alternative to chemotherapy in mCRC treatment.

Ben George, MD, discusses targeted therapies and treatment algorithms for metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) with John L. Marshall, MD.

Dr George emphasizes that chemotherapy also has targets, but they are often present in both cancer and normal cells, leading to significant toxicities. Targeted therapies aim to maximize efficacy by selectively targeting cancer cells while sparing normal cells. He categorizes the broad classes of agents, such as those targeting VEGF, immunotherapy, biomarkers, and immune targets such as checkpoint inhibitors.

Dr George mentions the exciting developments in precision medicine, the advancements in computational capabilities, and their contributions to drug development. He emphasizes that the use of targeted therapies is fluid, guided by factors including disease stage, burden, and treatment goals. There is no fixed prescription; instead, the approach involves identifying available treatment options based on genomic or transcriptomic data and customizing combinations to maximize outcomes for each patient.

Dr Marshall interjects to provide a balanced perspective, acknowledging the progress in colorectal cancer treatment but also the need for continued research. He points out that many genetic tests return negative results, and better targets are still being sought. Dr Marshall stresses that even with the best therapies, there are patients who do not respond, highlighting the importance of ongoing efforts in the field.

Dr George concurs with Dr Marshall, recognizing the ongoing challenges and underscoring the need for further research and improved outcomes for patients with colorectal cancer. He acknowledges the significant advancements in treatment options driven by genomic data but emphasizes the continuous quest for better solutions.

The conversation underscores the progress in and potential of targeted therapies while acknowledging the complexity and challenges that persist in the treatment of mCRC.

Video synopsis is AI-generated and reviewed by AJMC editorial staff.

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